Monday, June 2, 2014

Le Gay Agenda Blog For This 2nd Day Of June, 2014!

How do Republicans spell “Ben Ghazi”? Now it seems they spell it "Bowe Bergdahl", as in the American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan, who was freed by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Taliban detainees from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo. Questions have arisen about whether Bergdahl was a deserter, or a hero, or just the latest political piƄata!

Republicans have pounced, accusing Obama of breaking the law with the prisoner exchange because in Republican world, how do you spell “Patriot”? Turns out it’s spelled “Impeachment!” In fact when it comes to Obama, Republicans only know how to spell Impeachment!

Now we find out what allowed Pres. Obama to do this prisoner exchange and bypass a law he himself signed was a signing statement that essentially says, ‘Sure I’ll sign follow this law until I won’t!’ In Republican world, it only counts when the Black Guy does it cause the pressure of a name! Who else signed laws with over 1,200 affected sections of bills, the pressure of a name! If only were a list of a president giving out signing statements like Halloween candy! BUSH!

Will we ever learn? Tomorrow is Primary Day for Iowa, Montana, Mississippi, New Jersey, and California and while Republicans continue to vomite Benghazi to their gaping open mouthed baby chick electorate, Democrats admit they have no idea how to get Democrats out to the polls! It seems Democratic leadership has misplaced the electorate that cares about pocket issues like the minimum wage, tax avoidance by the rich, healthcare and education among others.

Playing both sides! If you believe reports, Senator Elizabeth Warren won’t be running for President, except she’s perfectly poised to run and won’t say she isn’t.

While Democrats have no idea what to do this election season, unable to find the Clyven Bundy Ranch, Texas “open carry” morons have taken to securing Applebee’s and Home Depot from everyday shoppers, with semi-assault weapons. This moved the NRA to denounce their actions and issue a statement which caused the ammo-fetishists to cut-up their NRA cards, which is their modern day equivalent of burning their bras!

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