After open carry psychos posted pictures destroying their NRA cards and threatening to leave, the NRA has now put out a statement retracting their initial statement by calling for even more guns, more open carry, more freedom.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
NRA: That thing we said about “open carry” groups being “weird” and “scary”, sorry, we really meant MORE guns equals freedom
Texas “open carry” gun nuts have been parading outside businesses for years now and after the murders in Santa Barbara, over the weekend, the NRA finally put out a statement criticizing these groups.
After open carry psychos posted pictures destroying their NRA cards and threatening to leave, the NRA has now put out a statement retracting their initial statement by calling for even more guns, more open carry, more freedom.
After open carry psychos posted pictures destroying their NRA cards and threatening to leave, the NRA has now put out a statement retracting their initial statement by calling for even more guns, more open carry, more freedom.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Head Of Christian Hate Group Releases Hilariously Ignorant Statement About Gay Couple Adopting Two Kids

“We do not know all the details as to why adoption was deemed necessary but leaving that aside, this case raises profound concerns,” Williams said in a statement.
A quick note to Ms. Williams: It’s usually wise to learn all the details before speaking out about an issue.
Senior Family Court Judge James Munby wrote in his judgement last week that he saw no reason to block the adoption after the children’s birth parents admitted to regularly leaving their kids unattended, not bathing them, and beating them.
Upon learning their kids would be adopted by a gay couple, however, the birth parents suddenly became worried for the children’s well-being, arguing that they would suffer from “psychological harm” at the hands of these new parents. Because being raised in a same-sex household is so much more psychologically crushing than being regularly pummeled by your birth parents.
“Why is it not possible to accommodate the beliefs of the natural parents and act in the best interests of the children?” Williams asks. “Why are these beliefs about marriage, which the government claims are protected, being trampled on?”
Another quick note to Ms. Williams: This has nothing to do with anyone’s beliefs about marriage. It has to do with protecting two toddlers from being beaten by their mom and dad.
“It is causing great present distress to the parents,” Williams says.
Those poor parents. We can only imagine how their children must feel.
Le Gay Agenda Blog For This Tuesday June 3rd, 2014!
Not my circus, not my monkeys! Incumbent Republicans are defending Congressional seats against Tea Party Republicans and that’s because they’re all after Corporate Cash, $100,000,000 million worth that big business has already spent this year on primaries. In this new landscape who needs freedom when you have Billionaire backers and their de facto banks, a.k.a. Super PACs.
In other monkey business, Republicans step away from Benghazi and jump on the Bowe Bergdahl train. As it turns out with all things Republican, that train looks to turn into a train wreck as Republican leaders are calling for an investigation into something they have known for years.
Barrel of monkeys! While the media asks whether GOP needs a new “Contract with America,” what they fail to notice is that Republicans have been for years now taken a “Contract ON America!”
Monkey see, monkey do! GOP voters not only deny facts and science, they have deep faith in “Creationism”, which is code for “they just make crap up!” From failed scandals Fast and Furious, IRS, ObamaCare, to future hearings and scandal failures like the VA, Bowe Bergdahl, and Benghazi, you have to appreciate a 3-ring circus!
In other monkey business, Republicans step away from Benghazi and jump on the Bowe Bergdahl train. As it turns out with all things Republican, that train looks to turn into a train wreck as Republican leaders are calling for an investigation into something they have known for years.
Barrel of monkeys! While the media asks whether GOP needs a new “Contract with America,” what they fail to notice is that Republicans have been for years now taken a “Contract ON America!”
Monkey see, monkey do! GOP voters not only deny facts and science, they have deep faith in “Creationism”, which is code for “they just make crap up!” From failed scandals Fast and Furious, IRS, ObamaCare, to future hearings and scandal failures like the VA, Bowe Bergdahl, and Benghazi, you have to appreciate a 3-ring circus!
New Site For Gay Dads To Launch; Includes a young dads coming out story

The Morning Paper; Still Tea-Bagging, Slender Man, Marriage Equality News, Minimum Wage and Hypocrisy Much?

Is there a pattern in the tea party's primary woes?

Texas, Nevada, Michigan, and Idaho are all on the calendar for major milestones from now until September. Plus we could get a ruling in the Virginia case any day now.

Pope Francis warns couples not to substitute pets for children... or face 'the bitterness of loneliness' in old age

Via Netflix: Clear your schedule for Friday. All the episodes of Orange Is the New Black season two will be ready for your binge-viewing on Netflix.
Monday, June 2, 2014
The Gay Rights Fight Of The ’70s Is Chronicled In An Amazing Compilation Of Vintage TV Clips

Here is a veritable checklist of every notable event from “the Me decade” - including early Pride Parades, horrifying gay bashings and the notable homophobe Anita Bryant getting a pie in her face.
Plus, there are 70’s fashions, demented clinical references to “homosexuality” over 30 years of news clips!
50 SHADES OF GREY: Actor Jamie Dornan Whines He Doesn’t Like His Physique

Game of Thrones; It’s all about Oberyn Martell and The Mountain
Via Instagram: Turns out they really are friends. If you saw last night’s episode of Game of Thrones then you know how that match up turned out!
Le Gay Agenda Blog For This 2nd Day Of June, 2014!
How do Republicans spell “Ben Ghazi”? Now it seems they spell it "Bowe Bergdahl", as in the American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan, who was freed by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Taliban detainees from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo. Questions have arisen about whether Bergdahl was a deserter, or a hero, or just the latest political pińata!
Republicans have pounced, accusing Obama of breaking the law with the prisoner exchange because in Republican world, how do you spell “Patriot”? Turns out it’s spelled “Impeachment!” In fact when it comes to Obama, Republicans only know how to spell Impeachment!
Now we find out what allowed Pres. Obama to do this prisoner exchange and bypass a law he himself signed was a signing statement that essentially says, ‘Sure I’ll sign follow this law until I won’t!’ In Republican world, it only counts when the Black Guy does it cause the pressure of a name! Who else signed laws with over 1,200 affected sections of bills, the pressure of a name! If only were a list of a president giving out signing statements like Halloween candy! BUSH!
Will we ever learn? Tomorrow is Primary Day for Iowa, Montana, Mississippi, New Jersey, and California and while Republicans continue to vomite Benghazi to their gaping open mouthed baby chick electorate, Democrats admit they have no idea how to get Democrats out to the polls! It seems Democratic leadership has misplaced the electorate that cares about pocket issues like the minimum wage, tax avoidance by the rich, healthcare and education among others.
Playing both sides! If you believe reports, Senator Elizabeth Warren won’t be running for President, except she’s perfectly poised to run and won’t say she isn’t.
While Democrats have no idea what to do this election season, unable to find the Clyven Bundy Ranch, Texas “open carry” morons have taken to securing Applebee’s and Home Depot from everyday shoppers, with semi-assault weapons. This moved the NRA to denounce their actions and issue a statement which caused the ammo-fetishists to cut-up their NRA cards, which is their modern day equivalent of burning their bras!
Republicans have pounced, accusing Obama of breaking the law with the prisoner exchange because in Republican world, how do you spell “Patriot”? Turns out it’s spelled “Impeachment!” In fact when it comes to Obama, Republicans only know how to spell Impeachment!
Now we find out what allowed Pres. Obama to do this prisoner exchange and bypass a law he himself signed was a signing statement that essentially says, ‘Sure I’ll sign follow this law until I won’t!’ In Republican world, it only counts when the Black Guy does it cause the pressure of a name! Who else signed laws with over 1,200 affected sections of bills, the pressure of a name! If only were a list of a president giving out signing statements like Halloween candy! BUSH!
Will we ever learn? Tomorrow is Primary Day for Iowa, Montana, Mississippi, New Jersey, and California and while Republicans continue to vomite Benghazi to their gaping open mouthed baby chick electorate, Democrats admit they have no idea how to get Democrats out to the polls! It seems Democratic leadership has misplaced the electorate that cares about pocket issues like the minimum wage, tax avoidance by the rich, healthcare and education among others.
Playing both sides! If you believe reports, Senator Elizabeth Warren won’t be running for President, except she’s perfectly poised to run and won’t say she isn’t.
While Democrats have no idea what to do this election season, unable to find the Clyven Bundy Ranch, Texas “open carry” morons have taken to securing Applebee’s and Home Depot from everyday shoppers, with semi-assault weapons. This moved the NRA to denounce their actions and issue a statement which caused the ammo-fetishists to cut-up their NRA cards, which is their modern day equivalent of burning their bras!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Anti-Gay Christian Group Vows to Refuse Mail with Harvey Milk Stamp

In their statement, the AFA has said,
"Honoring predator Harvey Milk on a U.S. postage stamp is disturbing to say the least. Harvey Milk was a very disreputable man and used his charm and power to prey on young boys with emotional problems and drug addiction. He is the last person we should be featuring on a stamp.”
There are supposedly two options for members and supporters of the AFA if the picture of Harvey Milk hits their mailboxes:
1. Refuse to accept the Harvey Milk stamp if offered by your local post office. Instead, ask for a stamp of the United States flag.
2. Refuse to accept mail at your home or business if it is postmarked with the Harvey Milk stamp. Simply write "Return to Sender" on the envelope and tell your postman you won't accept it.
In the hateful words of the AFA, "The United States Postal Service honored a child predator at the whim of a drag queen.”
GALLUP: Majority of Americans Support Same Sex Marriage and Adoption by Gay Couples

"In general, adults in the U.S. continue to be more supportive of same-sex parenting than legal recognition of same-sex relationships or comfortableness with same-sex sexual behavior," said Gates. "Laws in the U.S. have reflected this pattern in public support. Many states in the U.S. that have not formally repealed sodomy laws, despite the U.S. Supreme Court declaring such statutes unconstitutional, and that do not recognize marriage for same-sex couples include jurisdictions that allow same-sex couples to adopt children.”
In Honor of Pride Month, Let’s Revisit Irish Drag Queen and Activist Panti Bliss Deliver Speech On “OPPRESSION” and the debate about who you are as a gay person
Via On January 11, Panti went on the Irish channel RTE to blast that country’s homophobes, including various hateful journalists who love to throw curveballs at equal rights. Well, the haters bristled over being called on their antics and went so far as to threaten legal action over the allegedly unfair treatment they’d received.
In response, RTE actually apologized and gave them payoffs! I guess this was the opposite of hush money—it was more like cash incentives enabling these creatures to keep spouting their vitriol.
Fortunately, the outrage couldn’t be silenced. The RTE turn of events led to Panti’s incredibly well executed February 1 speech onstage at Dublin’s Abbey Theater, in which the drag star discussed the roots of the homophobes’ behavior and the absurdity of their claims to be oppressed. She did so well with this oration that it’s amassed well over half a million YouTube views and reams of major coverage. A month later, Panti is tarter and smarter than ever—and even more in demand. In her latest bit of delicious public speaking, she talked to me for this column.
In response, RTE actually apologized and gave them payoffs! I guess this was the opposite of hush money—it was more like cash incentives enabling these creatures to keep spouting their vitriol.
Fortunately, the outrage couldn’t be silenced. The RTE turn of events led to Panti’s incredibly well executed February 1 speech onstage at Dublin’s Abbey Theater, in which the drag star discussed the roots of the homophobes’ behavior and the absurdity of their claims to be oppressed. She did so well with this oration that it’s amassed well over half a million YouTube views and reams of major coverage. A month later, Panti is tarter and smarter than ever—and even more in demand. In her latest bit of delicious public speaking, she talked to me for this column.
GOTTA WATCH: Mississippi Diners React To This Gay Couple’s PDA On “What Would You Do?”
On Friday night’s episode of What Would You Do?, as usual, the show planted real actors in settings to incite public ethical and moral dilemmas in order to film the actions and reactions of people nearby.
This week, Ben and his boyfriend Andreas snuggle up next to each other at El Sombrero, a Mexican dining establishment in the “quaint town” of Vicksburg, Mississippi. This may be “the hospitality state,” but it’s also one of the absolute worst in providing LGBT protections.
Check out the surprising (and all too unsurprising) reactions off the patrons below. Spoiler alert: Lots of “personal beliefs” going on here:
ABC US News | ABC International News
This week, Ben and his boyfriend Andreas snuggle up next to each other at El Sombrero, a Mexican dining establishment in the “quaint town” of Vicksburg, Mississippi. This may be “the hospitality state,” but it’s also one of the absolute worst in providing LGBT protections.
Check out the surprising (and all too unsurprising) reactions off the patrons below. Spoiler alert: Lots of “personal beliefs” going on here:
ABC US News | ABC International News
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