Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nick Jonas: Manscaping and playing crotchball with Ryan Seacrest

Nick Jonas dropped by "On Air with Ryan Seacrest" this morning and found himself getting more than he bargained for. His much talked about crotch was commandeered for a game of "Crotch Ball" that had a distinctive air of truth or dare to it. As Gossip Cop notes: "The rules were simple. Seacrest attempted to throw a ball through a hoop that was attached to Jonas’ waist (above his crotch). If he missed, the “Jealous” singer had to perform a dare.”

Jonas was quite adept at moving his crotch as needed. However, no doubt trying to force a dare, Seacrest threw a wild shot that Jonas' crotch couldn't handle. The result? He had to shave his chest. Well, a part of it at least. As Jonas prepared to shave a swatch of his naturally hairy chest, Seacrest turned the conversation to Jonas' hair down there:

“Do you manscape anything else? You manscape.” Jonas responded coyly, “Sometimes. I don’t do everything.” Seacrest exclaimed, “Nick Jonas shaving his chest. This is something I just dream about."

Holy, Superman! Henry Cavill steps up as the Man of Steel

Batfleck has been getting all the press along with instruction on how to catch a glimpse of the Affleck penis in Gone Girl.

To this I say it’s time for Henry Cavill, Man of Steel, to step it up!

Keep your hands where we can see them! Nick Jonas sex scene and his ‘How to’ crotch grab vid!

No more purity rings for the JoBro! Here’s Nick Jonas' first sex scene from the MMA drama, Kingdom. More to come (pun intended), from the DirecTV show. Of course what follows is the rating on his performance and I have to agree!

In case you needed those Disney Mouse House lessons on ‘How to’ crotch grab, Nick explains via a tutorial:

20 Years Ago Today, Pedro Zamora of MTV’s The Real World: San Francisco Died

Pedro Zamora, the activist who put a face to AIDS for millions of young Americans via MTV's The Real World: San Francisco, died 20 years ago today of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, the previously (and once again) rare brain disease that took the lives of so many. Zamora's commitment ceremony with his boyfriend, Sean Sasser, was the first in television history. The couple first met at the 1993 March On Washington. Sasser died last year of mesothelioma. Pedro Zamora's time on the national stage was far too brief, but his impact on this country's perception of LGBT people, HIV and people living with AIDS remains.

Sen. Rand Paul: Hillary is an old broad!

"I think all the polls show if she does run, she’ll win the Democrat nomination. But I don’t think it’s for certain. It’s a very taxing undertaking to go through. It’s a rigorous physical ordeal, I think, to be able to campaign for the presidency." - Sen. Rand Paul speaking to Politico. Even Fox News has slammed Paul for the remark. Today Fox host Neil Cavuto denounced the attack on Clinton's age, pointing out that she would be the same age as Reagan was on inauguration day. Cavuto added that Paul did his potential candidacy "damage with that condescending swipe.’

Sam Smith on Coming Out: 'My Aim Is to Tell People How Good It's Been for Me'

Out Magazine named Sam Smith as one of the Out 100 of the year. The “Stay With Me” singer opened up about his coming out experience:

"My aim is to tell people how good it’s been for me so that, hopefully, gay men or parents with gay children can look at my story and think, 'Wow, that’s how it should be. That’s what we can work towards.' That’s been my whole motive -- to not make it a talking point. My music should be a talking point. My voice should be a talking point," Smith tells the magazine.

The Real Slim Shady: Eminem inexplicably goes after Lana Del Rey

Billboard.com: Eminem vs. Women: 13 Ladies He's Bashed in Raps

It’s on again, from Britney, to Christina! Lana Del Rey is the latest to get the Real Slim Shady treatment. The 42-year-old rapper freestyles about punching Lana Del Rey in the face twice.

If you must watch, the freestyle also goes on about Anderson Cooper, anal sex, and a tuba

"But I may fight for gay rights, especially if they dyke is more of a knockout than Janay Rice/Play nice? Bitch I’ll punch Lana Del Rey right in the face twice, like Ray Rice in broad daylight in the plain sight of the elevator surveillance/’Til her head is banging on the railing, then celebrate with the Ravens'

Solange Knowles to Marry Alan Ferguson This Weekend

Solange Knowles to Marry Alan Ferguson This Weekend and please do not send any brass knuckles nor sharp objects!

Solange 28, is marrying her 51-year-old producer boyfriend of 5 years, Alan Ferguson. This will be Solange’s second wedding. She married her son’s father in 2004 when she was just 17 and divorced 3 years later.

The wedding will be held over 3 days in New Orleans. Yes, 3 days, not 3 rounds!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

NRA: That thing we said about “open carry” groups being “weird” and “scary”, sorry, we really meant MORE guns equals freedom

Texas “open carry” gun nuts have been parading outside businesses for years now and after the murders in Santa Barbara, over the weekend, the NRA finally put out a statement criticizing these groups.

After open carry psychos posted pictures destroying their NRA cards and threatening to leave, the NRA has now put out a statement retracting their initial statement by calling for even more guns, more open carry, more freedom.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Head Of Christian Hate Group Releases Hilariously Ignorant Statement About Gay Couple Adopting Two Kids

Via Queerty:  Hot mess Andrea WIllams, head of Christian Concern, a hate group that works to “inform and empower Christians to speak against ungodly and unjust laws,” and her bouffant are very worried over the fact that a gay couple in the UK has been allowed to adopt two children, aged two and four years, whose birth parents were found to be negligent by a family court.

“We do not know all the details as to why adoption was deemed necessary but leaving that aside, this case raises profound concerns,” Williams said in a statement.

A quick note to Ms. Williams: It’s usually wise to learn all the details before speaking out about an issue.

Senior Family Court Judge James Munby wrote in his judgement last week that he saw no reason to block the adoption after the children’s birth parents admitted to regularly leaving their kids unattended, not bathing them, and beating them.

Upon learning their kids would be adopted by a gay couple, however, the birth parents suddenly became worried for the children’s well-being, arguing that they would suffer from “psychological harm” at the hands of these new parents. Because being raised in a same-sex household is so much more psychologically crushing than being regularly pummeled by your birth parents.
“Why is it not possible to accommodate the beliefs of the natural parents and act in the best interests of the children?” Williams asks. “Why are these beliefs about marriage, which the government claims are protected, being trampled on?”

Another quick note to Ms. Williams: This has nothing to do with anyone’s beliefs about marriage. It has to do with protecting two toddlers from being beaten by their mom and dad.
“It is causing great present distress to the parents,” Williams says.

Those poor parents. We can only imagine how their children must feel.

Le Gay Agenda Blog For This Tuesday June 3rd, 2014!

Not my circus, not my monkeys! Incumbent Republicans are defending Congressional seats against Tea Party Republicans and that’s because they’re all after Corporate Cash, $100,000,000 million worth that big business has already spent this year on primaries. In this new landscape who needs freedom when you have Billionaire backers and their de facto banks, a.k.a. Super PACs.

In other monkey business, Republicans step away from Benghazi and jump on the Bowe Bergdahl train. As it turns out with all things Republican, that train looks to turn into a train wreck as Republican leaders are calling for an investigation into something they have known for years.

Barrel of monkeys! While the media asks whether GOP needs a new “Contract with America,” what they fail to notice is that Republicans have been for years now taken a “Contract ON America!”

Monkey see, monkey do! GOP voters not only deny facts and science, they have deep faith in “Creationism”, which is code for “they just make crap up!” From failed scandals Fast and Furious, IRS, ObamaCare, to future hearings and scandal failures like the VA, Bowe Bergdahl, and Benghazi, you have to appreciate a 3-ring circus!

New Site For Gay Dads To Launch; Includes a young dads coming out story

Via GaysWithKids.com:  A new website to help gay dads navigate fatherhood will launch tomorrow, June 4th - in time for Father’s Day and this year’s Pride celebrations. GayswithKids.com hopes to inspire a whole new generation of gay men who are interested in raising children by offering in-depth reporting on topics from creating families to raising them. It will also focus on challenges that are unique to gay dads. It is being founded by Brian Rosenberg and Ferd van Gameren, two gay fathers who realized the need for GayswithKids.com when they had children and discovered nearly every parenting news source was mom-centric. They found no community with whom they could identify - so they built one.

#ProudToPlay: Celebrating equality for all athletes

The Morning Paper; Still Tea-Bagging, Slender Man, Marriage Equality News, Minimum Wage and Hypocrisy Much?

Via CBS News:  It’s Primary Day; Republican establishment hopes to keep winning streak alive

Is there a pattern in the tea party's primary woes?

Via Washington Post:  Pre-teen girls accused of stabbing slumber party friend 19 times to please mythological creature, “Slender Man"

Via Houston Chronicle:  Seattle raises minimum wage to $15; will others follow?

Via HuffPo:  3-Times Divorced Florida Attorney General Calls Gay Families Unstable

Equality Illinois:  Governor Pat Quinn signed the marriage bill into law last November, but residents have had to wait months for it to actually take effect and now you can go and get married no matter what part of the state you live in.
Texas, Nevada, Michigan, and Idaho are all on the calendar for major milestones from now until September. Plus we could get a ruling in the Virginia case any day now.

Via the Daily Mail:  Have Children, Not Pets

Pope Francis warns couples not to substitute pets for children... or face 'the bitterness of loneliness' in old age

Via Netflix:  Clear your schedule for Friday. All the episodes of Orange Is the New Black season two will be ready for your binge-viewing on Netflix.


Compilation of the Best News Bloopers from May 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Gay Rights Fight Of The ’70s Is Chronicled In An Amazing Compilation Of Vintage TV Clips

With so many gains being made in our struggle towards full equality, it’s time to remind you that LGBT Pride Month is not solely about baring as much flesh as possible!

Here is a veritable checklist of every notable event from “the Me decade” - including early Pride Parades, horrifying gay bashings  and the notable homophobe Anita Bryant getting a pie in her face.

Plus, there are 70’s fashions, demented clinical references to “homosexuality” over 30 years of news clips!

50 SHADES OF GREY: Actor Jamie Dornan Whines He Doesn’t Like His Physique

Via Interview Magazine:  "I don't like my physique. Who does? I was a skinny guy growing up, and I still feel like that same skinny kid." When I noted that he will be unveiling the torso that has made him famous around the world for a movie-going audience, he again laughs over the absurdity of it all. "I'm still auditioning," he avers. "I don't really have choices in the material I get. So I have to make the choices in the way I play the characters. And I'm happy to get a chance to play Christian.”

Game of Thrones; It’s all about Oberyn Martell and The Mountain

Via Instagram:  Turns out they really are friends. If you saw last night’s episode of Game of Thrones then you know how that match up turned out!

Le Gay Agenda Blog For This 2nd Day Of June, 2014!

How do Republicans spell “Ben Ghazi”? Now it seems they spell it "Bowe Bergdahl", as in the American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan, who was freed by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Taliban detainees from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo. Questions have arisen about whether Bergdahl was a deserter, or a hero, or just the latest political pińata!

Republicans have pounced, accusing Obama of breaking the law with the prisoner exchange because in Republican world, how do you spell “Patriot”? Turns out it’s spelled “Impeachment!” In fact when it comes to Obama, Republicans only know how to spell Impeachment!

Now we find out what allowed Pres. Obama to do this prisoner exchange and bypass a law he himself signed was a signing statement that essentially says, ‘Sure I’ll sign follow this law until I won’t!’ In Republican world, it only counts when the Black Guy does it cause the pressure of a name! Who else signed laws with over 1,200 affected sections of bills, the pressure of a name! If only were a list of a president giving out signing statements like Halloween candy! BUSH!

Will we ever learn? Tomorrow is Primary Day for Iowa, Montana, Mississippi, New Jersey, and California and while Republicans continue to vomite Benghazi to their gaping open mouthed baby chick electorate, Democrats admit they have no idea how to get Democrats out to the polls! It seems Democratic leadership has misplaced the electorate that cares about pocket issues like the minimum wage, tax avoidance by the rich, healthcare and education among others.

Playing both sides! If you believe reports, Senator Elizabeth Warren won’t be running for President, except she’s perfectly poised to run and won’t say she isn’t.

While Democrats have no idea what to do this election season, unable to find the Clyven Bundy Ranch, Texas “open carry” morons have taken to securing Applebee’s and Home Depot from everyday shoppers, with semi-assault weapons. This moved the NRA to denounce their actions and issue a statement which caused the ammo-fetishists to cut-up their NRA cards, which is their modern day equivalent of burning their bras!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Anti-Gay Christian Group Vows to Refuse Mail with Harvey Milk Stamp

Via Gawker:  Noted fundamentalist Christian hate group American Family Association (AFA), has shared a press release with its members urging them to refuse any mail that arrives with Harvey Milk's likeness. The USPS announced the Forever stamp honoring Harvey Milk last week.

In their statement, the AFA has said,

"Honoring predator Harvey Milk on a U.S. postage stamp is disturbing to say the least. Harvey Milk was a very disreputable man and used his charm and power to prey on young boys with emotional problems and drug addiction. He is the last person we should be featuring on a stamp.”

There are supposedly two options for members and supporters of the AFA if the picture of Harvey Milk hits their mailboxes:

1. Refuse to accept the Harvey Milk stamp if offered by your local post office. Instead, ask for a stamp of the United States flag.

2. Refuse to accept mail at your home or business if it is postmarked with the Harvey Milk stamp. Simply write "Return to Sender" on the envelope and tell your postman you won't accept it.
In the hateful words of the AFA, "The United States Postal Service honored a child predator at the whim of a drag queen.”

GALLUP: Majority of Americans Support Same Sex Marriage and Adoption by Gay Couples

Via Gallup.com:  WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A clear majority of Americans (63%) say same-sex couples should have the legal right to adopt a child, the most to say so since Gallup began tracking opinions on the matter more than 20 years ago. This is higher than Americans' support for same-sex marriage (55%).

"In general, adults in the U.S. continue to be more supportive of same-sex parenting than legal recognition of same-sex relationships or comfortableness with same-sex sexual behavior," said Gates. "Laws in the U.S. have reflected this pattern in public support. Many states in the U.S. that have not formally repealed sodomy laws, despite the U.S. Supreme Court declaring such statutes unconstitutional, and that do not recognize marriage for same-sex couples include jurisdictions that allow same-sex couples to adopt children.”

In Honor of Pride Month, Let’s Revisit Irish Drag Queen and Activist Panti Bliss Deliver Speech On “OPPRESSION” and the debate about who you are as a gay person

Via OUT.com: On January 11, Panti went on the Irish channel RTE to blast that country’s homophobes, including various hateful journalists who love to throw curveballs at equal rights. Well, the haters bristled over being called on their antics and went so far as to threaten legal action over the allegedly unfair treatment they’d received.

In response, RTE actually apologized and gave them payoffs! I guess this was the opposite of hush money—it was more like cash incentives enabling these creatures to keep spouting their vitriol.

Fortunately, the outrage couldn’t be silenced. The RTE turn of events led to Panti’s incredibly well executed February 1 speech onstage at Dublin’s Abbey Theater, in which the drag star discussed the roots of the homophobes’ behavior and the absurdity of their claims to be oppressed. She did so well with this oration that it’s amassed well over half a million YouTube views and reams of major coverage. A month later, Panti is tarter and smarter than ever—and even more in demand. In her latest bit of delicious public speaking, she talked to me for this column.

GOTTA WATCH: Mississippi Diners React To This Gay Couple’s PDA On “What Would You Do?”

On Friday night’s episode of What Would You Do?, as usual, the show planted real actors in settings to incite public ethical and moral dilemmas in order to film the actions and reactions of people nearby.

This week, Ben and his boyfriend Andreas snuggle up next to each other at El Sombrero, a Mexican dining establishment in the “quaint town” of Vicksburg, Mississippi. This may be “the hospitality state,” but it’s also one of the absolute worst in providing LGBT protections.

Check out the surprising (and all too unsurprising) reactions off the patrons below. Spoiler alert: Lots of “personal beliefs” going on here:

ABC US News | ABC International News

Thursday, May 29, 2014

TEXAS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: Gay Couple Told Not To Return To Restaurant, "We Don't Serve Fags Here"


"We don't serve fags here."

That's what a Pittsburg couple said they were told while leaving a local restaurant. The men went to eat at Big Earl’s Restaurant in Pittsburg for breakfast Tuesday morning. They said they enjoyed their food, paid for their meals, but it’s what the waitress said on their way out that ruined the whole experience.

Collin Dewberry, who was leaving with his partner, said the waitress told them they do not serve a certain type of person at that restaurant. The word she used was derogatory and targets homosexuals.

Collin and his partner Kelly Williams said they have lived in East Texas their whole lives and have never been called that word before.

“We’ve never had that kind of hate displayed to us before,” Dewberry said.

KLTV.com-Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville, Texas | ETX News

Friday, May 23, 2014

JUST BECAUSE: Male Celebrity Cleavage; The V-Neck, How low is too low

DUCK DYNASTY: ...and it don’t stop! Again, Phil Robertson bashes on gays, this time one Easter Sunday

Phil Robertson is at it again! Somehow listening to what a bunch of rednecks doing a scripted show cause it’s cheaper than paying real actors became a thing. I don’t get it except that this douchebag does hold a microphone and when he spews this anti-gay one Easter Sunday, it encourages others like his cousin Pat Robertson, or was it Pat that encouraged Phi.

Here’s who’s really to blame cause they claims it’s the Jesus! Any surprise their show has registered low ratings.

Phil Robertson’s original comments:
It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man — would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.

Phil Robertson Pt. II: Duck Harder
"Is homosexual behavior a sin? …. Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, neither the idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves, nor greedy, nor drunkards, not slanderers, not swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God."

Angelina Jolie Is “Thrilled” To Be A Drag Queen Inspiration: “I’m With Them”

Flawless person and actress, Angelina Jolie at a press conference in the U.K. for her new film Maleficent earlier this month said “I would be thrilled if [my look] is embraced by the drag queens. I think we all share a love of this kind of costume. I’m with them.”

It seems Angelina hasn’t yet seen RuPaul’s Drag Race season 6 winner Bianca Del Rio doing Maleficent and then some.

PREVIEW: “Maleficent” out Friday May 30th!

Celebrities Read Mean Tweets About Themselves On Jimmy Kimmel Live

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Demon Cat Interferes With 'Let It Go' Act

DListed.comFrozen came out on November 17, 2013, so most of us have suffered through 175 days of “Let it gooooo, Let it gooo-ooooh” fucking its way through our ear tunnels over and over and over again. The message of the song is to “let it go,” but that message is not penetrating into the brains of radio stations, iTunes radio, your local Walgreens, every child on earth, every parent on earth, your drunk friend sitting next to you in a cab, the lady in the Prius in the next lane over and pretty much everybody else but us (I’m assuming you’re with me, but if you’re not, you’re against me and it’s fucking war). “Let It Go” is the “My Heart Will Go On” of 2013 and 2014. And it’s only getting worse.

If you walked into any mental hospital and asked someone who works there what is the number one reason why patients are locked up and put in a padded room, they’ll tell you the number one reason is that they were exposed to too much “Let It Go.” Something must be done! “Let It Go” must be let go already. This anti-Let It Go pussy with green light saber eyes gets it and is leading the fight.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Le Gay Agenda Blog for this Wednesday the 21st of May 2014!

In today’s It Only Counts When The Black Guy Does It news, Obama pledges “people will be held accountable”for the controversy surrounding Veterans Affairs’ having waiting lists for vets to get treatment and causing a number of them to literally die waiting. As disgusting as this all is, Republicans now get to express faux outrage for the consequences of the sequester, meaning the slashing of budgets including the VA’s. Really, it’s not like we weren’t warned last year. It’s not like this starving the VA hasn’t been going on for almost a decade, is it?!

Well you can’t put it past Republicans to play with the heartstrings of Americans who feel for the dead soldiers now but allowed for the new shiny soldiers then to go off to war with no end in sight and having to depend on Cher, FREAKEN Cher, to buy soldiers vest and helmets.

Everyone’s forgotten the tragedy that was the Walter Reed scandal under Bush, the Voldemort president, the one Who Can’t Be Named.

When it comes starving the people, really, who won’t they starve? We know they have it out for the American worker and even entire cities have gone bankrupt because the rich want cheap real estate and Republicans are all to eager to deliver. Now the property is being divided up by the banks and the billionaires, too.

So when the word is privatizing the VA, just think of all the BILLIONS just sitting there to be collected from vets who will need care for the rest of their lives!

My only word of encouragement today is: VOTE! It really is the only chance we’ve got.

ODDS AND ENDS: Florida Equality, Naomi Campbell, Channing Tatum, Str8 Dudes Find Grindr, and Cristiano Ronaldo

Eight same-sex couples in Florida sue the state for recognition of their out-of-state marriages and just so you know, you always want an “out-of-state” marriage case and a case from within the state denying marriage.

Suing only ONLY for out-of-state recognition of marriage does nothing for persons seeking marriage within that state.

Watch yourselves, it’s Naomi Campbell’s birthday.

In a GQ magazine interview, actor Channing Tatum came out as a “high functioning” alcoholic and equated his drinking with creativity and having a good time. Take it from Sum 41 lead singer Deryck Whibley who came out this week as NOT being a high-functioning alcoholic and nearly dying from years of hard drinking.

...and in case you missed it, soccer star Cristiano Ronald is on the cover of Vogue Spain.!

The video is in Spanish but words are not needed here!

Madonna and Katy Perry Pose Provocatively in Leather Outfits for V Magazine

USMagazine.com:  Madonna and Katy Perry Pose Provocatively in Leather Outfits for V Magazine

Put Your Thinking Hat On: Florida Lawmaker Claims School Testing Forces Children To Become 'As Homosexual As They Possibly Can'

Florida Republican State Rep. Charles Van Zant claims that the company, American Institutes for Research, that got the $220 million dollar contract to administer school tests in Florida has an agenda to turn Florida students gay because the company has a ‘homosexual agenda.’

There’s several issues with this man’s assertions, namely 1) the inherent homophobia in his statement, 2) someone bribed someone to get the $250 million contract, 3) why the hell is Florida able to cough up $250 million for testing and have to cut billions from education in the state, and 4) this moron has a point in shedding light on the issue of “school testing” which forces teachers to teach students the answers to the school tests but he can’t get over his own homophobia to get at the real problem which is that school children are little profit centers for school testing companies.

Equality Pennsylvania: Gov Corbett Will Not Appeal Marriage Equality Ruling

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett pledges not to appeal Tuesday’s marriage equality ruling by pretty much saying he’s read the judge’s decision and sorry, haters, the ruling’s solid! Not gonna happen.

The good governor also pledges to continue to deliver Pennsylvania to the Koch Brothers, to continue attempts at voter suppression, denying climate change, and although he was once considered the “worst governor in America”; with today’s decision not to appeal yesterday’s ruling, Pennsylvania conservative media are now touting Gov. Corbett’s reelection.

Meanwhile, thousands of Pennsylvanians celebrated marriage equality as a new Gallup Poll shows support for marriage equality is at an all time high of 55%.

Wait for the proposal at the end!

New HBO Documentary: "The Case Against 8 “ explores the battle for Marriage Equality

It’s a story we all felt with the election of President Obama in 2008 and the passage of Proposition 8 in California.

A new HBO documentary, The Case Against 8, looks at the legal side of the battle for marriage equality and the real emotional impact on so many Californians and the nation as a whole.

Pat Sajak Tweets; Science and Facts are Unpatriotic and Racist

“Wheel of Fortune” host Pat Sajak has a history of spewing crap, err stirring controversy with his tweets and his latest has stirred a backlash.

MOVIE: Ryan Murphy On Making 'The Normal Heart,' Choreographing Sex Scenes And More

 Director Ryan Murphy explains he had to bring in a “sex choreographer” to set actors Matt Bomer and Mark Ruffalo at ease.

The Normal Heart airs Sunday May 25th on HBO so get your HBO Go passwords if you don’t have them already. The film stars Mark Ruffalo, Matt Bomer, Julia Roberts, Taylor Kitsch, and Jim Parsons, and follows activists during the early days of the AIDS crisis in New York City.

HuffingtonPost.com:  Ryan Murphy On Making 'The Normal Heart,' Choreographing Sex Scenes And More

Naval Academy: Herndon Monument Climb to the top 2014

May 20, 2014 EDT - Each year the Naval Academy’s freshmen - known as “plebes” - climb a greased 21-foot obelisk to mark their transition to sophomore status. This year’s climb was both typical and outlandish. (Brad Horn/The Washington Post)

The legend goes that the person that reaches the top has a good chance of becoming Admiral

WashingtonPost.com:  Naval Academy’s annual climb to the top